Monday, December 19, 2011

My Antonia behind the book/scenes

Willa Cather in her novel "My Antonia" offers her view of life during the pioneer time.
How would "My Antonia" be different if it were told from Antonia's perspective? My Antonia, if told from Antonia's perspective would be very different. A lot of the story is told from Jim's perspective, when he isn't even around Antonia. So the story would go much more in depth  into Antonia's failed engagement and her pregnancy with her first child. Then it would also talk more about her home life after she meets Cuzak and how she meets him. Also, maybe we would find out that Antonia loved Jim when they were younger like Jim loved her.
How effective is Cather? A woman who is narrating a story from the point of view of man? Willa Cather was very effective at portraying a man. She showed his want and love for Antonia, his family, and his work on the farm. I think that she showed the character as Jim very well and built all the other characters around him very good.

Why do u think Jim changed the title from Antonia to My Antonia?     In the beginning of the book when Jim changed the book from Antonia to My Antonia I think this was very significant because he is showing that he still loves her. Even though she is  married they will always love one another.
Due to all of this I think that Willa Cather had a very good grasp of Pioneer Time. She showed all of the struggles, hardships, and the simplicity of it all. She has an exceptional view of this time and I would love to see another book made from Antonia's view.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"As I looked about me I felt that the grass was the country, as the water is the sea. The red of the grass made all the great prairie the colour of wine-stains, or of certain seaweeds when they are first washed up. And there was so much motion in it; the whole country seemed, somehow, to be running."

"The grave, with its tall red grass that was never mowed, was like a little island."

"Winter comes down savagely over a little town on the prairie. The wind that sweeps in from the open country strips away all the leafy screens that hide one yard from another in summer, and the houses seem to draw closer together. The roofs, that looked so far away across the green treetops, now stare you in the face, and they are so much uglier than when their angles were softened by vines and shrubs.

Chunk #1: Comment the effect of the setting on the characters within the novel.
The setting of this book has a huge effect on the characters due to the fact that it is in Nebraska so the weather has a huge effect on crops due to the fact that the winters are pretty harsh.  And because of the time era.  There is not alot of advanced things.  Like medicine.  Whenever Pavel dies from being sick.  They did not know why he was so sick..  But today in the present we have technology that can tell what kind of disease or why you are sick. 

Chunk #2: discuss the effect a setting on you, including imagery (lots of adjectives) and a simile or a metaphor as you describe the land.
My farm reminds me of the old days back when things were more simple and there was less problems.  My farm has a huge effect on me because I basically grew up on the farm, raising cattle, hunting wild game.  Whenever I was little I would pretend I was a cowboy and pretend that I was shooting Indians.  I basically spent my entire child hood on my farm or my papaws farm.  So my farm has an effect on me because it holds my childhood, My childhood runs through the woods, swims in the creeks and lives in the fields.  Whenever I am at my farm.  I feel like that is my home instead.  I wish I could live up there.  Its like my spa.  And everything up there soothes me.  Its like I'm getting a massage from everything around me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Argument-Abortion is just like murder.

  1. There are many couples who spend years on the waiting lists, that cannot have kids on their own so they try to adopt. And sometimes that takes a long time. 
Commentary 1:
  • The waiting list for adoption can take 5-10 years.  And sometimes couples that wait that long to adopt sometimes do not even get accepted. 

Commentary 2:
  • There are numerous couples out in the world who would love to adopt children.  Because some couples cannot have kids on their own, but they still want to have kids, so they adopt.  And if you decide to give your baby to adoption and then later decide to abort it.  That could cause the couple to wait even longer for a baby.  And just because the baby could ruin your dreams, that does not mean that it could not make someone Else's dreams come true.

  • Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control.
Commentary 1:
  • Abortion is very dangerous.  If you have a couple of abortions and then later decide to have a kid.  You might not get pregnant because sometimes abortions can cause a female to become sterile.  But there is only one 100% effective birth control and that is abstinence.
Commentary 2:
  • I guarantee that if abortion was illegal or if it was not an option.  People would quit being so careless and learn how to wear a condom, take the pill, or even wait till marriage. Because if it was not an option they would get scared about having sex due to the fact that they could get pregnant or it would make them be more careful. 
Opposing Claims/They say
  • Many people assume that one brief mistake can take away a woman's childhood and trap her for life.
My Rebuttal/I say
  • I believe that is not an excuse.  Because they know whats right and whats wrong. And having a baby does not always ruin your life.  It can help you become a better person and be more careful the next time you think about having sex.
My paragraph
               Abortion is a bad thing.  And it can be good.  But 95% of the time it is horrible.   If a woman is at risk of losing her life.  Then I would probably abort the baby.   Because you would not want the baby to go motherless his/her whole life.   But to have an abortion just because you’re not ready to have a baby. That is dumb.  There are tons of couples that would aspire to have a baby.  Like my Aunt and Uncle.  My Aunt was not able to have a baby so they had to adopt.  They did not have to wait that long due to the fact that the biological mother knew what was best for the baby.  So just because the baby is ruining your dreams, does not mean that you have to ruin another couples dream.
I am a Deductive Thinker because I like to confirm that abortion is bad, I want to make sure that I am right.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Henry vs. Forrest

My inference about runnning:  In intense situations a persons instinct to run varies because of one's self preservation.
Forrest ran because he was told too. His first natural instinct was to sit there and fight. Which is why when he was first told to run, he was confused.  Whenever he started to run, he got ahead of everyone.  He then realized he was all alone, and had forgotten his bestfriend Bubba.  So he turned around and went back. He was still running but he was running to help. Everytime he would go back he would find everyone except Bubba.  Finally he found Bubba and ran him to rescue. Forrest had done so much running and helping he did not realize that he saved his whole platoon.  So Forrest ran to help and because he was told too.

Henry on the other hand ran because he was scared.  He reacted how any other american would prolly act.  But he did come back and fight.  He realized that he was the only one running.

Monday, September 26, 2011

War Is

War is needed, protecting our rights.
War is bittersweet, causing mixed emotions.
War is dangerous, mourning our pain.
War is a contradicting machine, like star burst.
War is a murderer, planning our death.
War is not evil, protecting us from evil
War is not kind, killing our loved ones.
War is always our first option, taking a chance.
War is chaos, fighting for freedom.
War is a monster, devastating like Godzilla was to japan.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Heaven is for real

I just finished the book heaven is for real. It is hands down the best book I have ever read. The them of this book is Christianity. If you are lost in the religion point of view then you have got to read this book. The writing in this book blows my mind. He explains every little detail. The charactersvin the book are live human beings. The author of this book is also the narrator. The book is about his son getting very sick and almost dies. But his son has a very close. Well I don't know how to put it but when he almost dies he see's Jesus and he tells his parents stories that they didn't even know he knew that. So if you are wanting a book that gets you closer to god or if you are lost in religion then this book is for you. It made me a stronger Christian and will make you a stronger Christian too.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Remembering 9/11

9/11 was the worst terrorism attack ever recorded. It broke alot of peoples hearts and stunned every one in the United States.

The way we reacted toward 9/11 was very mature. Yes we did go to war with them. But what are you going to do? Just sit there and take that from abunch of stupid taliban people? Umm i believe no. George Bush reacted surprisingly well (better then he did when hurrican katrina hit) But we showed them that nothing could take us down as a nation or as i would like to say as a team!

The way the arabs were killed was very.... Well i dont believe i should say that on here but i think they should not have been killed. We should have captured them and made them suffer. Just like how we suffered and that day we lost our loved ones and our towers. They should have felt the same pain everyone felt in America that day.